Molly Newton


Elementary Librarian/Title 1 Teacher/K-8 Art Teacher

My Favorite Saint: Saint Teresa of Calcutta because she teaches us that, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

My Favorite Outside of Work Activity: I enjoy running, soccer, and watching my three kids participate in all of their activities.

My Favorite Children’s Book: You are my I Love You is a book that I love and would often read to my kids when they were younger.

My Favorite Place to Visit: I love being anywhere outside with water.

Education: I have a Master of Arts in Education – Catholic School Leadership from St. Mary’s University as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Psychology from the University of St. Thomas.

My Teaching Philosophy: I believe in creating an environment where students feel important, respected, and believed in. The classroom should be a positive place where students can share the unique gifts that God has given them. I am lucky to be a part of helping these gifts to grow!

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